Monday, June 4, 2012

Volunteer Opportunities

We are currently recruiting some volunteers to help us manage the growth of the diaper bank and we would love for you to help us!

There are many ways to volunteer at the diaper bank.  Many opportunities can be done from your own phone and/or in places where you already frequent.  Most of the work can be done along with your children, or by email and phone.  There are ways for people to make a difference with just 5 hours a year, 5 hours a week, or anywhere in between!  There are also a few leadership opportunities for those of you looking for an impressive way to fill that “mommy gap” (or "daddy gap") on your resume while you stay home with your kids!

Take a look at the opportunities below, then send us an email and let us know how you can help!  Our most needed positions are listed first, then there are several volunteering ideas organized by time commitment.

(training and support is offered for all positions)

Shift Worker – approx.. 3 hours/month; staff our diaper bank on Tuesday mornings from 9:30-11:30am at our facility in downtown W-S; pack diapers and coordinate donations to agencies during the shift. (Shifts are kid-friendly, bring some toys!)

Pack Diapers – approx.. 2 hours/whenever; no training or commitment needed; families and groups welcome; usually Tuesday mornings at our facility in downtown W-S

Diaper Drive Coordinator – approx..10 hours/month, coordinating mostly through email, phone and some driving around; helps organizations as they plan diaper drives

Administrative Assistant – approx.. 10 hours/month, can be done mostly from home computer; needs to be comfortable with Excel and other general computer/office tasks

Fundraiser Committee – short term commitment to plan our annual fundraiser in the fall, most likely a committee meeting once a week for about 2 months, plus organizing and communicating with others during the week.  We need 1 or 2 Chairpeople and a handful of committee members to share the work together.

Agency Coordinator – approx.. 10 hours/month; coordinating with the agencies who need diapers; can be done mostly from home computer with email and phone, but will need to come in once a month to keep tabs on inventory

Opportunities by Time Commitment:

If you have 5 hours/year
·      Ask a few businesses for donations to our silent auction fundraiser
·      Organize a diaper drive at your school or church
·      Pack diapers (bring your kids and/or friends) on a Tues morning

If you have 25 hours/year
·      Serve on our fundraiser committee (2 months in the fall)
·      Social Media manager (facebook, twitter, pinterest)
·      Represent the diaper bank at Missions Fairs
·      Organize the Belk and Macy’s Charity Sales fundraisers

If you have 3 hours/month
·      Volunteer for a shift on Tuesday Mornings
·      Network in the community for diaper drives and fundraiser

If you have 10 hours/month
·      See positions in the MOST NEEDED section

WISH LIST (special talents or time investment)

Webdesigner – someone to update and revamp our website, or someone to seek out a school or organization who will do it for us on the cheap!

Social Media Manager – someone to build a following on facebook, twitter and pinterest among our supporters

Grant Writer – someone to write us some grants, or someone willing to go to FTCC and learn how to write grants for us

Fundraising Director – someone to coordinate all of our fundraising efforts throughout the year from our annual Birthday party, corporate sponsorships, personal donations, Belk and Macy’s sale tickets, and any other fundraisers throughout the year

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